Pioneer of the Month: Sebastian Explores Greenland

Welcome to our “Pioneer of the Month” series! Every month we will feature individuals that were inspired to take the road less traveled and ventured to Greenland with us to discover the powerful nature, colorful culture and pure beauty of this country in the arctic. Just like the first explorers from centuries past, our “pioneers” experience an adventure of a lifetime on pristine and untouched landscapes.
Sebastian came to Greenland to see what it was all about, he wanted a general overview; he chose us to take him and that’s what he got! We caught up with him afterwards and got the inside scoop on his adventure.
What motivated you to visit Greenland?
I've always been attracted to outdoors and in particular cold climate and mountains. After visiting Iceland and Norway I thought: what's next? Then Greenland appeared as a possibility to take it further: an alternative to more visited places, a rarity, with those conditions I like.
Greenland has marked a before and after in my life. I left Greenland yearning wilderness and landscape beauty
How long was your stay? Did you travel solo or with a group?
I stayed there for 10 days. I travelled with a friend and we joined a group that was part of the tour.

Which tour did you take and why did you choose it?
I did the Fjord, Icecap and mountains tour [split for 2017 into cabin and camping versions]. I wanted to get a glimpse of everything and not focus on a single aspect of Greenland. Overall, it looked like the most varied tour of the ones available at the time.
It also had a big part of camping and trekking, which are how I enjoy my vacations.
What is one thing you will always remember about your tour?
The isolation and peace we were able to achieve. We had a miles-wide area all to ourselves. It helped me enter into a sort of communion with the landscape and have fjords and mountains as my backyard during those days. I can easily say that, with all certainty, Greenland has marked a before and after in my life. I left Greenland yearning wilderness and landscape beauty.

What is something that you learned about Greenland that surprised you?
The purity and peace of south eastern Greenland. I keep telling people that if they are up to experience real wilderness and landscapes, they should go there, as there are no roads, no electricity cables or the usual noise and rush of civilisation. Also going on a tour like this is a first and safe step that will enable people to go by themselves if they fall in love like I did with that land.
If you had more time in Greenland, what else would you like to see and do?
Firstly, I'd like to go further north to more desolate areas.
I'd also like to visit the southern part and see the old Viking remnants. Finally, I'd love to cross the ice cap as well.

What tips do you have for people that want to visit Greenland?
First and more important, go for it! I've travelled through different landscapes in Europe, USA and South America and, for me, Greenland stands out as my favourite of all.
Reserve some time for it.
Don't have fixed plans before or after it, as time has a different meaning there. Also, you never know if you would like to stay longer than you intended.
Leave all preconceptions behind and let that beautiful land surprise you.
A more pedestrian tip for people that want the full experience: be fit, as you'll want to hike valleys and climb mountains.
I keep telling people that if they are up to experience real wilderness and landscapes, they should go pro Greenland, as there are no roads, no electricity cables or the usual noise and rush of civilisation.
What adventure are you off to next?
I just came back from hiking to near mount Etna's summit last week and for my next vacation, I'm considering New Zealand.
For the longer term, I'd like to go on a months-long trip in Alaska and, of course, my beloved Greenland.
Sebastian obviously takes great photos, You can see more of Sebastian’s photos on his Instagram, he’s got some interesting edits.
Have you been to Greenland with us and would like to be featured as a “Pioneer of the Month?” Feel free to email us at joseph@mountainguides.is or call +354-522-4933.
Start planning your unforgettable winter adventure in Greenland by browsing our tours here.